ARB Fridge/Freezer 37 Q Review


Advanced Member
Oct 24, 2013
Half Moon Bay and where my truck is parked
so i pulled the trigger the other week prior to a trip north of bodega bay.

Why spend this much money on a fridge?
-the one that came with my used eagle was broken and it took up a lot of room
-we do a few multi week trips a year and planning a 3 week baja for next winter
-i HATE dealing with ice
-save money instead of eating out(already saved a lot from the two trips we have gone on)
-ever travelled to places where walmart is your only "fresh" vegi option? we are spoiled here in CA with amazing organic food and we like to travel with it
-I do a lot of weekend to kite/surf so the convenience of having cold beer and food was a huge win

when it came in the mail i got a frantic call from the girlfriend because it was "so large" and was going to take up way too much space-she was quickly on side after our first trip. we were gone for 4 days so we packed it full of our normal vegis and dairy- since we were going abalone diving we were hopefully going to fill it up at the end . Set up was so easy and the instructions were basic. I loved being able to fill it up the night before we left, plugging it into the home outlet, then in the morning just transferring it to the camper. I have two places I store it-one is behind the driver seat(4door tacoma) and the other is in the front of the eagle. IT is easy to still cook with it in the camper and takes up little room. I thought that it would be noisy but at night once it gets to temperature it just hibernates. Keeping a consistent temperature for the whole weekend was not an issue at all and nothing ever froze. we do not eat frozen food-other than ice cream so i am not sure how that would work.

all in all the unit is badass and i would highly recommend getting one. say "no to ice"

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