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    • pods8
      Sent ya an email with the files and some photos. For other's reference I sized the plate to span side to side across three channels...
    • pods8
      Rather than an eyebolt with a single bolt through the bed I was gonna use the same bracket on the truck bed as the camper, like the new...
    • pods8
      All I have done is enlarged the plates beyond what FWC offers for folks with a superduty, what I have done is far more robust imho. Also...
    • pods8
      Oh I'm not using a "washer" in the aluminum sheet metal. ;) 1/4" aluminum backer plates that will overlap the flanges of the cross...
    • pods8
      pods8 replied to the thread A Cautionary Trailhead Tale.
      There is a little bit of forest service area just beyond the trailhead, get there the night before and just camp over night because the...
    • pods8
      pods8 replied to the thread Snow Broke my FWC Hawk Roof.
      They have been built like that for 40+ years (I can show you a 1982 roof frame right now if you'd like), also if you noted the build...
    • pods8
      pods8 replied to the thread Snow Broke my FWC Hawk Roof.
      I haven't over the years but doesn't mean it can't happen. I think him concentrating the stresses over those crossmembers was a unique...
    • pods8
      pods8 replied to the thread Snow Broke my FWC Hawk Roof.
      Your analysis and unfortunate dumb luck noted here sound extremely likely in my mind. "Third and worst, by dumb luck I positioned that...
    • pods8
      Don't know if its an exact match but this is the kind of material. 18 oz. Vinyl Coated Polyester by the Yard | Seattle Fabrics Nice...
    • pods8
      pods8 replied to the thread Can Jacks Lower FWC to Floor?.
      They might (probably) will bottom out but you can fab up some brackets to lower further, I have aluminum angle bolted to my jacks with...
    • pods8
      Ok, it is done. Wire is freed. Only had to back out two screws and pry a tiny bit. Jammed a bit more butyl tape in the gap, screwed...
    • pods8
      pods8 replied to the thread Canyon/Colorado camper?.
      The article you linked covers it. They didn’t design for it (stupidly) and based on the person bending their frame it seems like it’s...
    • pods8
      Just fix it right, you just need to undo one screws on that side and lift it slightly. The butyl will restick and you just need to put...
    • pods8
      pods8 replied to the thread Victron Controller Unusual Trend.
      You shouldn't need to change the controller or contact Victron if the battery is fully charging and then solar output drops, that is...
    • pods8
      pods8 replied to the thread Victron Controller Unusual Trend.
      Does your battery have a Bluetooth connection to review its state of charge and internal info? It’s seems very likely your battery just...
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