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  1. N

    Wander The West 2013 Alaskan 10’ Cabover Camper for Sale

    After many great adventures, it is time for me to sell by beloved 2013 Alaskan 10’. It is in very good condition, and fits on a long bed 3/4 or 1 ton sized pickup with with tailgate down. Added features include 3 burner stove, oven, extra large sink, two multi speed exhaust fans, side awning...
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    Wander The West Dangerous Twisting of Jacks When raising and Loading Alaskan 10 CO on my Ford Long bed

    Thx to all for the commiserating and advice. The trailer suggestion is a good one. I borrowed a neighbor’s trailer and will probably do it again. I may also try putting some 6x10 end I have left from when we built the house.
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    Wander The West Dangerous Twisting of Jacks When raising and Loading Alaskan 10 CO on my Ford Long bed

    I have had major problems when loading and unloading my Alaskan 10 CO on my 2019 Ford Long bed truck. It is difficult to position the front tripods so that the jacks clear the rear OEM tires AND have the jacks be absolutely vertical. When lifting the camper, the jacks to twist toward the rear...
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    Wander The West Problems with Alaskan camper running lights

    Thanks for all the suggestions. I resolved the blinking red bar light problem by getting the plugs between the truck and camper more firmly seated. I am still not getting the running lights to go on with the headlights but at least the red light bar above the camper door is no longer blinking...
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    Wander The West Problems with Alaskan camper running lights

    My 2013 Alaskan 10’s running lights hadn’t worked since I bought it used in early 2020. I have it on my 2019 Ford F-250 and had to rewire the plug on the truck to get it to charge properly and for the turn signal lights work on the camper. Just last week the camper’s running lights started...
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    Wander The West Olympus Wave 3 Catalytic heater

    I am interested in feedback on using an Olympus wave three heater at higher elevations to heat my (Alaskan 10) truck camper? I am planning an Easter Sierra trip for late October. Last year I planned the same trip then cancelled it when temps dropped to 11F at 10,000 feet.
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    Wander The West Raise/lower valve has slight ‘weeping’ leak

    Do you fill it in the ‘up’ or ‘down’ position and how full should the reservoir be?
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    Wander The West Raise/lower valve has slight ‘weeping’ leak

    I am a new owner of a 2013 Alaskan 10 that came to me without an owners manual and have a couple of questions about the hydraulic system. First, every time I raise/lower the camper, my hand has hydraulic fluid on it. Not a lot and I can’t see where it is coming from. It may not be worth the...
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    Wander The West Spacing required to mount Alaskan camper in bed of newer Ford pickups

    Does anyone know how much spacing under an Alaskan camper is required in bed of the newer Fords to clear the walls of the bed? Also I am wondering what if any use could be made of this space?
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    Wander The West Alaskan10 on a 3/4 ton utility truck?

    Thank to all for the input. On the basis of all that have decided not to go the utility truck route. The Ford payload went up to 3400 lbs for the F250 Supercub 4x4 long bed in 2017 so I am exploring its ability to carry an Alaskan 10. I am going to start a new thread for that discusion. thx again!
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    Wander The West Alaskan10 on a 3/4 ton utility truck?

    There are A LOT more used 3/4 ton utility trucks for sale than 1 ton utility trucks. Payload wise could you you put an Alaskan 10 on a gas 3/4 ton utility truck?
  12. N

    Wander The West Hallmark 8.5’ Ute for sale

    Hallmark 8.5’ Ute Excellent condition 2011 model, this truck camper has a short bed dress (with work boxes to carry water hose, extra propane etc.) to fit 6.5′ foot standard bed 3/4 or 1 ton trucks. Maintenance free seamless fiberglass roof, power jacks, ladder, roof racks with cradles for 2...
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    Wander The West spare key

    My wife’s Cirrus TC has a keypad lock so I keep a full set of spare keys on a ring in there. My Hallmark Pop up has it’s set in a location that takes considerable dexterity to retrieve them from.
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    Wander The West Beach driving with a truck camper

    Thanks for all the info in your replies. A bit more info on my TC: 4x4 Camper wet weight approx. 2100 lbs 18 inch tires Lockable differential Under what conditions should I lock the differential?
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    Wander The West Beach driving with a truck camper

    I have been truck camping for 2 1/2 years now, with a 7 week Alaskan trip and a number extended trips to the South West from my home in the Central Coast of California under my belt, I am planning a couple of beach TC trips and need some recommendations. I am considering purchasing a set of...
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