Last week my fiance and I drove to Northern California from Portland, Oregon to pick up a 1980's fleet model Four Wheel Camper. From the photos on craigslist and talking to the seller, the fleet looked like it was in pretty good condition. One of the biggest draws are the new canvas on it and a decent interior remodel. We paid a little more than I think it was worth for a little over $4,000.00. The exterior and roof needed some love but we thought a little paint could fix that up. After driving home through some rain we got home and the inside of the camper was pretty wet. The headliner over the sleeping area was soaked and so were the corners in this area. Pretty obvious this is a major concern to fix ASAP. Like many other campers on this forum we were super excited with our new purchase and then after getting home we realized the amount of work that needed to be done on this thing. So here is the camper and I'm hoping to share the remodel with everyone on this page.
The biggest questions and help I'm looking for is the roof. Below are some photos of the current roof, I call it the "paper mache" roof. haha.
After talking to 4WC crew they quoted me at around 5k for a new rebuild. That's a bit out of budget so wanted to try to fix it on our own to start. The 4WC guys recommended replacing all the screws with new neoprene washers and scraping all the silicone off the role and replacing with a polyeurethane of some sort. I'm hoping someone here can recommend something to make this roof last a little longer before having to spend a lot of money on it at 4WC.
Anyone know what this putty is and why this plate is here? It does't seem like a sound system to me?
Major leaking in the corners, anyone know anything to bombproof these?
Any and all insight would be appreciated. This is my first post. I plan to post my progress on this remodel on this thread. Thanks everyone!
The biggest questions and help I'm looking for is the roof. Below are some photos of the current roof, I call it the "paper mache" roof. haha.
After talking to 4WC crew they quoted me at around 5k for a new rebuild. That's a bit out of budget so wanted to try to fix it on our own to start. The 4WC guys recommended replacing all the screws with new neoprene washers and scraping all the silicone off the role and replacing with a polyeurethane of some sort. I'm hoping someone here can recommend something to make this roof last a little longer before having to spend a lot of money on it at 4WC.
Anyone know what this putty is and why this plate is here? It does't seem like a sound system to me?
Major leaking in the corners, anyone know anything to bombproof these?
Any and all insight would be appreciated. This is my first post. I plan to post my progress on this remodel on this thread. Thanks everyone!