I have a 2006 Dodge MegaCab 4x4 2500 CTD truck, I am leaning towards a hawk with a few accessories, Do I need to upgrade the suspension, load stabilizer, air bags, what do you think.
Would having the hawk protruding out an inch or two from the bed prohibit me from using the Aluminess bumper with a fuel can holder and a box for my generator. One more thought, any way to put a Coleman roof mounted A/C on the back opening for the fantastic fan. I thought I saw one mounted in a blog photo. Thank you
Would having the hawk protruding out an inch or two from the bed prohibit me from using the Aluminess bumper with a fuel can holder and a box for my generator. One more thought, any way to put a Coleman roof mounted A/C on the back opening for the fantastic fan. I thought I saw one mounted in a blog photo. Thank you