Seems like there was a thread on the whole, lightning hitting a camper thing, a while back. Maybe not, but sounds like a good one. I, for one, have been hounded by lightning for the last 5 years or so on my Fall trips. about three years ago, I was at 11,000 feet in the Sierras on an exposed camp. We drove up a scratch of a road for quite a ways and found a great place by a small lake. Anyways, the skies opened up about 11pm or midnight and didn't stop until about 6am. I ended up lowering the camper roof to decrease my profile, disconnected the power plug from truck to camper, turned off propane and put ensolite pads on the floor where I proceeded to hunker down and pray for my miserable ass. We were too far in to try and drive down that mountain in the middle of the night, and thought chances were better to stay and hope to avoid a direct strike. My buddy had his old Landcruiser, Bessie, and slept in that. That lightning ripped the air as soon as the flash occurred for quite a while. scared the bejeezus outa me and my friend. He was not too damned pleased with me in the morning for taking him up there. Anyways, I'm sure folks have some ideas/information on the subject..
That shot by the lake in up by Twin Lakes/Bridgeport area in California.