A little Southern Utah Experience


Senior Member
Dec 18, 2010
Reno, NV
So D and I had a week to do something and because we had covered other parts of southern Utah, we decided to make this one a bit more "touristy."

We got a late start last Saturday afternoon and picked Spencer's Hot Springs as our first stop along US50. It was very busy, not sure what the reason, but oh well, it was one night only.

Sunday morning, we got up and headed east to Great Basin National Park. Because the high campground is now snowed in, we chose Baker Creek Campground. We pulled in and realized we had the place to ourselves. Late season travel can be awesome for that reason alone. Because we had time, got there just after lunch. We decided to take advantage of the solitude and hike up the Baker Creek Trail. Like most every trail in the area, it goes straight up from the trail head. It was totally worth it.

Got up on Monday and headed out for Zion National Park.

Looking back towards Great Basin NP.

We got into Zion NP before lunch and looked around to figure what/how we wanted to do. The only thing we knew was that we wanted to do Angels Landing Trail.

We had lunch and got on the tram and headed up the valley. We rode to the end and back to the "Grotto" as a jumping off point. We decided to leave Angels Landing for the next day. For the afternoon, we chose Kayenta Trail up to the Emerald Pools. This trail is labeled as Moderate and will take you down to the Zion Lodge. It was a good 3ish mile hike, but as with most NP, there were plenty of people. No pictures of this trail, this was a quickie.

The next day was set for the serious hike. We stayed in a motel in Springdale and got up early the next morning (Tuesday).

Angels Landing is labeled as Strenuous and they aren't kidding. It is 5.4 miles round trip and gains 1488 vertical feet in 2.7 miles. There are a lot of switch backs to gain that elevation and most impressively once you get above Scout Lookout, it turns into a full on goat trail with chains anchored to allow you to traverse the fin.

Looking from the valley up to the Angels Landing.

Looking back down on the first set of switchbacks, pretty tame in comparison of what is to come.

Looking up at Walter's Wiggles. Hard to see each level, but trust me, those things go back and forth and back and forth.

The chains and the "trail"

Looking back down into the valley.

D on the fin.

And the trail goes on. Looking back down at the beginning of the trail.

Finally reached the top and looking northwest.

Heading back down, we passed a guy heading up, so I took a picture of him on the trail to get some perspective.

We finished the trail and headed over to Bryce Canyon.
We got to Bryce in the afternoon and were a little disappointed. It is ok, but definitely not one I would go back to. We drove to the end and back, took a few pictures and decided to camp outside of the park. Bryce sits in the 7k' range, so it was a cold night.

Last year, we had completed the "east" side of Hole in the Rock trail, which is very tough. This year, we decided to do the "west" side. The west side is very tame, it is just a dirt road to the end of the trail. The road is 54 miles long, so it took us until just before lunch to get there. Again, since we had time, why not hike down to Lake Powell? The Mormons lowered wagons down this shute back in the 1800's. There is no way to do it today, too much erosion.

At the top looking down at Lake Powell. 800' from top to bottom.

On the way down through canyon.

Looking across at the other side, where we made it to last year.

Time to hike back up...

We had lunch and headed back down trail to find a good camp spot.

We found a spot, this is the view out the back door.

Had a good rest, got up the next morning, broke camp and headed out. We passed an interesting looking road on the way in called 50 mile shelf road, so on the way back, we decided to take it. It was very interesting working our way up the side of the canyon, more switchbacks. Pretty tame for the most part, and then it was time to head down. This area saw a lot of the same rain we saw over last winter, so there was a washout on the way down. Hard to see in the pic, but we will get to that.

Looking down,

Getting through. Check out that mad flex...:flipoff2:

Once we made it back down to the main road, we headed out. We didn't start out to "get" anywhere, but as we kept going, we just kept going. We made it home after a really long day. It was a great trip and we are even more thrilled with the truck/camper. Good livin' I tell ya'.

Great photos with the post. I haven't ever been to southern Utah, only around SLC. It's definitely on the list. Thanks for sharing.
Great photos with the post. I haven't ever been to southern Utah, only around SLC. It's definitely on the list. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks. We have traveled a large portion of South central and eastern Utah, but this was our first time in the western area. And it should be on your list. Beautiful country.

Looks like good times. Thanks for the pics of some great country.

It was and you are welcome. It was a pleasure. :D

Yeah, Bryce seems very touristy, but Escalante is just down the road with lot's to share.
The locals at Escalante told us that Hole in the Rock attracts the tourist types, but Boulder/Burr Trail/Sheffield Rd. was where the backcountry folks tended to go.
Thanks for the report. I understand what you say about Bryce - it's nice but...

Thank you.

Yeah, Bryce seems very touristy, but Escalante is just down the road with lot's to share.
The locals at Escalante told us that Hole in the Rock attracts the tourist types, but Boulder/Burr Trail/Sheffield Rd. was where the backcountry folks tended to go.

Went through Escalante last year when we did the east side of the Hole of the Rock trail. Did the Burr Trail as well. Good times.

Excellent. You covered a good amount of ground in a short period of time.

Yes we did. Sorry we didn't hook up, but our plans changed once we were in the area, which is pretty common for us. We don't usually have much of a plan other than direction and possibly a highlight to check out in the area.

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