Hope you don’t mind a story. The Lady is a school teacher, a good one, been at it a long time and still loves it. Some of the stories she brings home are enlightening, some heartbreakers, but most tell the simple tale that there are some really great kids out there.
We don’t watch much TV news because most is just trash, crap we don’t need to know and mostly awful distractions from issues that really matter and are rarely covered. So these little bits of real life, these stories from school are a welcome reminder that things, on the whole, are really pretty good. We need that, at least I do.
Here’s the story. We live in a relatively rural county and it still has a bit of the small town feel. Last week the County middle schools track trials were on Wednesday afternoon with the top athletes moving to the finals on Friday. The Lady coaches the track team with a colleague as well as serving as her school’s athletic director. She runs the announcement booth at both events which involves directing athletes to event starts, receiving and entering all results, announcing the winners, and handling all the assorted issues that come up. It is a hot bed of activity that under her experienced hand rarely reaches the level of chaos. One of her girl runners was a stand out in the 400 meters and won her heat in the trials. After getting her time at the finish line she anxiously ran up to the booth to see if by chance she had broken the County record. The Lady checked the statistics and yes, she had a new County record! The girl was thrilled. After all the 400 meter heats were completed, the official results were brought up to the booth. Although she still had first place, the girl’s time entered on the results page did not match the time her lane timer had given her. No record. You can imagine the young girl’s disappointment. The Lady gave her a hug and said that if the head timer was still around after the meet she would talk with her to sort out the error. After a couple of sobs the girl’s face brightened and she said, “Coach you don’t need to do that, I’ll just break the record with a faster time at the finals on Friday.”
On Friday this young lady set the new county record for the 400 meter.
We don’t watch much TV news because most is just trash, crap we don’t need to know and mostly awful distractions from issues that really matter and are rarely covered. So these little bits of real life, these stories from school are a welcome reminder that things, on the whole, are really pretty good. We need that, at least I do.
Here’s the story. We live in a relatively rural county and it still has a bit of the small town feel. Last week the County middle schools track trials were on Wednesday afternoon with the top athletes moving to the finals on Friday. The Lady coaches the track team with a colleague as well as serving as her school’s athletic director. She runs the announcement booth at both events which involves directing athletes to event starts, receiving and entering all results, announcing the winners, and handling all the assorted issues that come up. It is a hot bed of activity that under her experienced hand rarely reaches the level of chaos. One of her girl runners was a stand out in the 400 meters and won her heat in the trials. After getting her time at the finish line she anxiously ran up to the booth to see if by chance she had broken the County record. The Lady checked the statistics and yes, she had a new County record! The girl was thrilled. After all the 400 meter heats were completed, the official results were brought up to the booth. Although she still had first place, the girl’s time entered on the results page did not match the time her lane timer had given her. No record. You can imagine the young girl’s disappointment. The Lady gave her a hug and said that if the head timer was still around after the meet she would talk with her to sort out the error. After a couple of sobs the girl’s face brightened and she said, “Coach you don’t need to do that, I’ll just break the record with a faster time at the finals on Friday.”
On Friday this young lady set the new county record for the 400 meter.