I'm still working out a few bugs but for the most part this is functional. While WTW advocacy efforts in general will evolve as we find new ways to make a difference, this first effort will be centered on turning member contributions into charitable donations to our favorite organizations.
All contributions that are anonymous (users don't want the contribution related to their account), and general WTW donations will be donated under user "WTWDonationBot".
Contributors - increasing your donations through points
User can now trade in their contributor points at a rate of 100 points per 10 dollar donation. PM me if you would like to convert points to donations to the advocacy group of your choice. We are creating what I hope will be very positive cycle in member involvement at WTW: contribute photos and info related info to your favorite traveling areas, and generate donations to protect the areas that you love.
I'm still working out a few bugs but for the most part this is functional. While WTW advocacy efforts in general will evolve as we find new ways to make a difference, this first effort will be centered on turning member contributions into charitable donations to our favorite organizations.
All contributions that are anonymous (users don't want the contribution related to their account), and general WTW donations will be donated under user "WTWDonationBot".
Contributors - increasing your donations through points
User can now trade in their contributor points at a rate of 100 points per 10 dollar donation. PM me if you would like to convert points to donations to the advocacy group of your choice. We are creating what I hope will be very positive cycle in member involvement at WTW: contribute photos and info related info to your favorite traveling areas, and generate donations to protect the areas that you love.