Riley's Human
With all the posts about heaters lately I thought I'd add what I experienced this weekend. I camped at the Grass Valley fairgrounds and since I had no option for a dry camp I plugged in. Paid for it might as well. I brought along my little electric heater and ran it on low. Tripped the campground breaker twice. I'd turned the propane on for making coffee in the morning and didn't even realize the camper heater thermostat was still on. Maybe it trying to turn on is what ran my battery down earlier in the week. It was chilly, things were frosty in the morning but not enough to freeze the dogs water bowl. Still I was surprised to hear the heater kick on in the middle of the night. I'd figured running the electric heater on low all night would be enough.
Run itself was fine. More snow than I expected. I did learn one thing. After lunch one lady was stuck. Go to winch her out and I needed a soft shackle. I'd left the house keys back in the camper. That's also where the key to the back of the Jeep resides
Lesson learned, make sure a spare is in the Jeep at all times. Another guy winched her out before I was able to squeeze in the back and get my shackle (really tight fit in a TJ for an old man).
Riley had a good time as usual.

We even had a Nevada County Sheriffs Jeep along. Nice Jeep sitting on forties. Should have gotten a pic.
My new GPS even had a banner saying this route was closed to vehicles. I'm assuming its going by time of year. Clearly didn't know about our permit
Run itself was fine. More snow than I expected. I did learn one thing. After lunch one lady was stuck. Go to winch her out and I needed a soft shackle. I'd left the house keys back in the camper. That's also where the key to the back of the Jeep resides
Riley had a good time as usual.

We even had a Nevada County Sheriffs Jeep along. Nice Jeep sitting on forties. Should have gotten a pic.
My new GPS even had a banner saying this route was closed to vehicles. I'm assuming its going by time of year. Clearly didn't know about our permit