Hey Barko
Watching your postings over the months, I bet you can get it going yourself (at least there is a good chance of it).
On the older campers, I would say 80%-90% of the time, if the furnace fan is running, but the furnace is not lighting up, there is nothing major wrong with the furnace. I'm not an RV service tech, I can't build anything, but I can usually tinker long enough to get things going.
Try this before taking it in ...
1. Take off the furnace vent covers inside (on the cabinet).
2. Take off the outside furnace cover.
3. Take some compressed air, air hose, or something like this and give it a good whirl around in there to get out any debris, dust, spider webs, etc.
4. Usually when you remove the furnace covers you can see, or might find a small toggle switch burried inside there somewhere (use a flashlight). Reset the switch a few times (turn it on/off), but always make sure you leave it in the original position where it was set.
5. Wiggle and giggle the wire connections around to make sure there are no loose wires or corroded / rusty wire terminal connections.
6. If you can get to it, give a quick spray of silicone on the shaft of the blower fan inside there (just so the fan can turn as smoothly as possible).
7. Like someone else mentioned, make sure your camper battery / batteries are fully charged up.
8. Make sure your propane tank is full, or at least not empty.
Most of the time this should get er' going.
Again, this is not FWC service advice, just personal advice from me to you.
If in doubt on anything, always consult a trained professional.
Hope this helps !
Before I drag it to the local RV place I thought I'd fish for an idea or two. Was working early in my trip last week but then nada. Turn on the thermostat and it seems to call for heat but no ignition. I have propane, at least the range burns and the fridge runs.Looking at the manual it seems there are many possible issues that need testing or is there some magic bullet?