I noticed that the plywood around the attachment points seems to be deforming/cracking/etc. I'll post some photos when I can get a daylight shot. This obviously needs to be rectified before it goes on the truck, so my questions are these:
1) How did this happen? The cracks look new-- the exposed wood isn't oxidized/discolored/ dirty. So far I have only strapped it to the dolly, and I doubt I could do that much damage via Harbor Freight ratchet strap. I made sure it was very secure because the dolly is high (necessitated by the delivery trailer) and we had to cover some rough ground, but I didn't crank on them excessively.
My camper came from a junkyard in CO, so it's possible that the guys who removed it from the original vehicle and moved it/loaded it railed on the eye bolts. The structure of the camper (and really the whole exterior) is in remarkably good condition otherwise and has no damage, rot, etc.
2) What do I do about it? It looks like that part of the camper is just half-inch ply stapled together. I'd like to repair with something more robust, even if its just thicker ply and threaded fasteners. Anyone got any suggestions?
1) How did this happen? The cracks look new-- the exposed wood isn't oxidized/discolored/ dirty. So far I have only strapped it to the dolly, and I doubt I could do that much damage via Harbor Freight ratchet strap. I made sure it was very secure because the dolly is high (necessitated by the delivery trailer) and we had to cover some rough ground, but I didn't crank on them excessively.
My camper came from a junkyard in CO, so it's possible that the guys who removed it from the original vehicle and moved it/loaded it railed on the eye bolts. The structure of the camper (and really the whole exterior) is in remarkably good condition otherwise and has no damage, rot, etc.
2) What do I do about it? It looks like that part of the camper is just half-inch ply stapled together. I'd like to repair with something more robust, even if its just thicker ply and threaded fasteners. Anyone got any suggestions?