My daughter is my spotter, but she is really bad at it and it can lead to friction so I often jump out and take a good look. I may start with those cipa mirrors and see how much that helps. Last week in my journey to Oregon we were at Diamond Lake just North of Crater Lake and I watched a couple back their popup tent trailer into the spot next to me. She jumped out, practically ran into position and started giving precise feedback to hubby with almost military precision

That looked good to me but later I watched her obsess out making sure the thing was level, 1/4 turn on the crank, double check and another 1/8 of a turn, etc, etc. Maybe being your own spotter has its' benefits!
Invaluable, I would be in and out of the truck 10 times trying to catch my hitch, and it's takes the worry out of backing up with dogs and kids around, mine is in the licence plate frame attached with some pretty trick hardware to prevent somebody borrowing it. Lousy picture, sorry.