I'm not a genie lamp, haha. One issue on that plan is the guy I was going to work with that had a good amount of equipment to do metal work unfortunately just passed unexpectedly.
I have some other contacts to pursue if I decide to go that route but its not necessarily the leading candidate now (but the ideas are ever evolving until the trigger gets pulled.
The thread got my wondering if I should look into moving the water tank to the front of the camper and build a bench/cabinet around it to move some of the driver side weight and provide more cabinet space... Off with the tape measure again, haha.
Sorry to hear about your guy. I'm getting old enough that I've gone to a few funerals for friends. Last Sunday for was for one of the best friends I've ever known. But, not to be to maudlin...
I had thought about relocating the water tank, even before seeing the newer campers, but given the plumbing for the fill and vent it looked like it would either require a lot of space, relocating the fill door, or having to fill the tank from the inside. Combine the cost of a new, larger tank and a way to drain it, I decided against it. I did build a cabinet up front for added storage of small items, which just happens to be large enough for a group 31 battery box to fit in with the long dimension running parallel to the couch. I didn't plan it that way, I just got lucky when I built it to other, pre-existing dimensions.
If you decide to relocate the water tank, remember that you'll still need access to the driver's side front turn buckle, something I initially overlooked when looking at water tanks sizes.