Bump for this topic.
Safety is HUGELY more important in "Central BF Nowhere" than in suburbia where ER and surgical teams are standing by.....
Edit: Mods: in light of the above FACT....
May I suggest a "Backcountry Safety" heading where safety related topics/products/training/kit/etc. can be covered/ centralized? We have a wealth of knowledge on site of first responders, docs, nurses, and mil corpsman on site.
Topics would include avoidance (as above), and treatment after (supplies/kit plus skills sources), and comm after (Delorme/PLBs/etc) an incident, plus any other relevant info. (Example topic: wench use safety). Small missteps in harsh environments can have huge consequences far from civilization.
There are eager, inexperienced youngsters joining in BC exploration that don't know what they don't know....
And all of us (definitely me included) can learn something from some of us.....
And sometimes reminders (reality checks) are appropriate for the best of us.
Just a suggestion.