Advanced Member
Hi Folks - So, I wanted to have lock nuts for my turnbuckles (standard type) but couldn't find left-hand (reverse thread) nuts locally. A vender on EBay had them, however; so now I'm willing to share 4ea with three of ya'll. Just send your email address in a reply to this post, I'll send my physical address via email, you send me an SASE with postage for about 3oz. I'll fold the nuts in some paper and send along. If you use normal turnbuckles that are 3/8 inch with 16 threads (course) per inch, this deal's for you. Like me (cause I hadn't thought about it), and in case anyone doesn't know, one of the turnbuckle screws turns backwards compared to the other - thus, the need for left-hand nuts. Normal right-hand nuts work for the other buckle screw. Why do I need 6 nuts you may wonder? I have another pair of buckles I hope to lift the back of the Ranger with to ease the weight on the tail gate; don't know if it'll work but I gotta try.
The idea (as many do) came a post sometime back where a member tried it too, by using a piece of angle across the back; but since I attached a 1.5 inch high "riser" to the bottom of the camper, I can drill through and use eye-bolts backed by big washers and lock-nuts.
The idea (as many do) came a post sometime back where a member tried it too, by using a piece of angle across the back; but since I attached a 1.5 inch high "riser" to the bottom of the camper, I can drill through and use eye-bolts backed by big washers and lock-nuts.