Hi all,
I'm new to the forum and am soon to be the owner of a Ranger II shell!!! Psyched!!!
Anyway, I am going to have to use it in some colder conditions. Getting a factory furnace installed is out of the question due to time, travel, and $$$. I was looking at the Olympian Wave and Buddy Heaters. Seems like the Wave heater is a really nice option, but again, $$$.
So it came down to the Buddy Heater. I was looking at some reviews on Amazon. They were mostly pretty positive, but one guy said he had troubles with it at altitude. Upon further reading, others said that the O2 sensor safety feature on it is the culprit. the bad review said that the heater doesn't work well above 7000'.
Has anybody else had this problem? I live in Crested Butte, CO which sits at almost 9000'. Thanks, All!!!
I'm new to the forum and am soon to be the owner of a Ranger II shell!!! Psyched!!!
Anyway, I am going to have to use it in some colder conditions. Getting a factory furnace installed is out of the question due to time, travel, and $$$. I was looking at the Olympian Wave and Buddy Heaters. Seems like the Wave heater is a really nice option, but again, $$$.
So it came down to the Buddy Heater. I was looking at some reviews on Amazon. They were mostly pretty positive, but one guy said he had troubles with it at altitude. Upon further reading, others said that the O2 sensor safety feature on it is the culprit. the bad review said that the heater doesn't work well above 7000'.
Has anybody else had this problem? I live in Crested Butte, CO which sits at almost 9000'. Thanks, All!!!