California State Parks


Yeh, but we need to read between the lines. We need to watch what is going on and not be fooled into believing the great deal our leaders are giving us! Some of these deals may work and some of the parks may remain "public" and not become private in everything but name! The admission to the parks have tripled, the services have been drastically cut, and every KOA and nearby resort has said they would take over management-good deal right-no, remember what happened to all those USFS and NPS campgrounds they turned over the private enterprise-they have to make $-so who pays, we do,not just our taxes and a minimal fee, as before, but each of us-twice-taxes and increased frees-with no friendly ranger to answer our questions! That's why the feds have been pushing a yearly user fee, spend so much up front one time and visit the parks, etc all year! Oregon and Washington have come up with solutions that work and have good parks! But California, no, I keep asking myself, why have they not pushed something like that-it's easy to see why-give the parks, witch our new state leaders-both right and left seem to believe should not be public but private-hey the more $ they make the more they get the rake off, and they get to go to their private resorts and screw the public who no longer can afford to go to the new $75.00 campgrounds-hey, the public want to camp-go to a fed campground, so we can sell off the parks to the corporations!! Sorry that I have become such a skeptic, but everyone seems to be out for themselves these days, and not just the pols-sometimes I think that the "we" has become the "I" with our politicians leading the way. Maybe the new voting regs and the redrawing of the districts here in Calif will help--and maybe the parks will survive as public-and maybe I'll win the lottery too!:) They are not closed yet, so there's still hope I guess!

Sorry that I have become such a skeptic, but everyone seems to be out for themselves these days, and not just the pols-sometimes I think that the "we" has become the "I" with our politicians leading the way.

Yep -- people! But wuddya gonna do -- they're the dominant species...for now.

Of course, self-interest is nothing new -- that's why laws were created in the first place, thousands of years ago: to restrain the effects of that natural impulse.
But it does seem like more people now are embracing self-interest as the only guiding principle and motivating force in their lives.

Sorry for being another skeptical pessimist -- I hope my perception is wrong about this.
having lived in calif and idaho for a whole lot of years we have seen many changes in
how land usage has changed sometime better ,example saline valley years ago i'm talking early
70's it was a mess,old trucks cars buses trash you name it.the park service made it a point to
install rules,plus returned the area to what it is today.good example.

now to get a spot at any of the so.calif beach state camps you have to make reservations up
to a year in advance good luck because if you do not know how the system works you will not
get a spot,so kiss away the last minute idea of 1st come 1st served as in the old days! bad example.

for some reason as soon as the label "state park" is put on it every one wants to go there.

so what we have done to not raise our blood pressure is to stop going to the normal spots that every one whats to go
so now we find new spots to explore,enjoy .

the bottom line is life is to short to worry about the politics of parks.

i know this attitude is not for every one but it works for us.

drive slow and enjoy "its the journey"
i know this attitude is not for every one but it works for us.

Les, I've never met you, but I have been reading your posts for years. I am so glad you are posting regularly again.
I know, but it feels good to bitch- and maybe enough people with say oh-and something good my happen!


Bitching may feel good, but when was the last time you communicated your thoughts to your Representative or Senators? If we all say something, then we are people with something to say.

I have sent several respectfull letters and/or e-mails to the legislatures whom represent me. Some of the replies have been thoughfull and respectfull. Others have been down right mean. I live in California - my Senators fall in the latter group.
Bitching may feel good, but when was the last time you communicated your thoughts to your Representative or Senators? If we all say something, then we are people with something to say.

I have sent several respectfull letters and/or e-mails to the legislatures whom represent me. Some of the replies have been thoughfull and respectfull. Others have been down right mean. I live in California - my Senators fall in the latter group.

For the record, a couple of weeks ago and like you, I've sent several letters/e-mails before that ! and yes bitching is part of the reaction, something we can do to let off steam, after we send in another pledge of $, letter to our representative or what ever action we have taken express our opinion, while we wait for something to happen! I'm not bitching at you, more at the system and of the not knowing what will happen! My state rep has supported the latest park bill, the one that started of this thread, but that's part of what's wrong , that solution doesn't solve the problem, sort of another band-aid not a fix! :eek: Maybe that's the problem of living in a representative democracy where it seems most people don't care (unlike most people on this site) until they are actually impacted and by then "bitching" may be the only thing left they can do! And I'm really upset because several of my favorite parks are on the list, and I live here not on the coast where they are and all of my options of saving them are running out, unless I go the "occupy" route (almost there), because people still don't seem to care! Maybe all those years of being one of those 'Feds" who were trying to protect our own "Outback" has affected my brain! :eek:Feel better for posting that, but now time to get back on the calparks web site and send more comments to those in charge and hope for the best!

For the record, a couple of weeks ago and like you, I've sent several letters/e-mails before that !

Keep it up, Smoke -- way to go! Things that aren't good don't get better by ignoring them.
As an Oregonian, I don't have any standing to complain to California politicians/bureaucrats -- I'm not part of their constituency. Although....I guess I could voice my opinion as a tourist of CA Parks.
Hey Mark- ready to go "occupy" a park yet!-how about Westport Landing SB or a start! Keeah or Gerrrrr-as we where taught many years ago as young soldiers to get us inspired to stick some one with a bayonet!!!!!

Hey Mark- ready to go "occupy" a park yet!-how about Westport Landing SB or a start! Keeah or Gerrrrr-as we where taught to say many years ago as young soldiers to get us inspired to stick some one with a bayonet!!!!!

If it sounded like i do not care about state parks let me expand a little.
i have found that you have to pick your fights,disagreements with care.

for myself i limit my fights to local areas. example;working to keep our local trails open,where we live the local fish and
game has tried to strong arm closing hiking trails with the excuse that human usage "disturbs" the big horn sheep lambing
areas,but turns out after a local hiker took them to court to release proof it turned out they (fish and game) had proof
that just the opposite it was not a lambing area! and that there was no reason to close.end result trail now open.

so my suggestion if you have a local park, area that you like to use get involved to make sure for future use it will be there.
no one person can take care of all the back country,but you can do your share.
just my thoughts,your may differ!.

drive slow and enjoy "its the journey"


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