Welcome to WTW Goldfish and congratulations on having your "stuff" in order enough to be able to do a month straight trip.
My suggestion to house bank charging depends on your travel plan, storage capacity and power demands. If your plan is to be on the move driving daily and just using lights and the water pump and have not done already so then wiring the house to your truck charging system alone should meet your needs provided your battery has enough capacity. There are lots -o- threads on here on the "how to" complete with the pros and cons of wire size, relays, isolators, intella-chargers and so on. The search function on here works fairly well at finding stuff.
If your plan is to be stationary for a while then some auxiliary system is in order. As you already have a honda you're covered. Unless you're using a microwave or running an air conditioner your 1000 watt unit should IMO be plenty. If you're thinking a solar supplement there is a whole section devoted to solar in the general campers section.
I wish you well in your endeavor.....