A Great Guy
This is Marty from All Terrain Campers and I just want to say that I am sorry for not posting on this forum often like I did in the past due to the fact that we are working like dogs around here to keep up with our orders. And we not only do repairs on the fwc campers but any model or brand that comes in here. If we can fix it we will. As far as getting picked on from somebody that does not know us We are all good here and we have big shoulders. Sure it angers us and we also see it as funny sometimes. This forum has been fantastic in many ways and I am sure it will continue to be that way. If anybody has a question that may be in our field of expertice please call us and we will be happy to be of service. We are very good at what we do unfortunatly we do not have all the answers. Have a nice day. Marty 1-800-446-1003