Ok, I'm replacing my countertop. My FWC Eagle is a 2003 and the counter was cracked. After a few months of watching craigslist, I found a large sheet of corian for basically free. It'll be perfect.
I have all of the screws out and the top where the sink and stove are located ready to come out except I can't figure out how to get the sink drain disconnected from the sink. Not the drain hose but the large, white fitting that screws? onto the bottom of the sink.
Also, I'm assuming that I need to pull my refrigerator to get the countertop off that's above the refrigerator as I don't see any screws there. I might use some type of hinge setup when I reinstall so that I don't have to do this again if I need to replace the counter again plus I have access to the top of the refrig. Why? I don't know as I haven't seen what all is under that countertop but it'd make it easier to get to the electrical there.
I have all of the screws out and the top where the sink and stove are located ready to come out except I can't figure out how to get the sink drain disconnected from the sink. Not the drain hose but the large, white fitting that screws? onto the bottom of the sink.
Also, I'm assuming that I need to pull my refrigerator to get the countertop off that's above the refrigerator as I don't see any screws there. I might use some type of hinge setup when I reinstall so that I don't have to do this again if I need to replace the counter again plus I have access to the top of the refrig. Why? I don't know as I haven't seen what all is under that countertop but it'd make it easier to get to the electrical there.