I'm hoping to score a used Grandby by watching craiglook and local craigslist, ebay and but not having much luck finding a 1990s or newer model in a price range I can afford. Mostly I can only afford a screaming deal on a model that new. I know if I keep looking, something will turn up but I'm not the most patient person.
But now I'm wondering if I can buy an older, cheaper model and cut it down to fit in my newer truck. I can't fit the 64" width on my truck.
I did some hunting on this forum but only turned up one mention of this.
Taking it to FWC HQ or ATC in Cali isn't a great option for me, so I'm wondering if I can do a modification myself. I assume the between wheel well dimension is close to 48" and it expands in the back near the tailgate. Has anyone undertaken this mod? I've never welded aluminum, not sure if this is a requirement of the job or would bolting together the joins be a possibility?
But now I'm wondering if I can buy an older, cheaper model and cut it down to fit in my newer truck. I can't fit the 64" width on my truck.
I did some hunting on this forum but only turned up one mention of this.
Taking it to FWC HQ or ATC in Cali isn't a great option for me, so I'm wondering if I can do a modification myself. I assume the between wheel well dimension is close to 48" and it expands in the back near the tailgate. Has anyone undertaken this mod? I've never welded aluminum, not sure if this is a requirement of the job or would bolting together the joins be a possibility?