Desert-Parks Documentary on PBS Tonight


The Weatherman
Site Team
May 24, 2010
Bend, Oregon
"Southwestern Gems: Our Desert National Parks" -- This is a rerun from 2009, but I haven't seen it before.

I don't know if this will be on PBS stations outside of Oregon (since it's a re-run), but it's on Oregon Public Broadcasting at 10pm tonight.
I'll be watching...or at least DVR-ing.
"Southwestern Gems: Our Desert National Parks" -- This is a rerun from 2009, but I haven't seen it before.

I don't know if this will be on PBS stations outside of Oregon (since it's a re-run), but it's on Oregon Public Broadcasting at 10pm tonight.
I'll be watching...or at least DVR-ing.

No ton here in S NM :(
Sorry guys... Like I said, it's a re-broadcast of a program from 2009, so I guess it's something that only Oregon Public Broadcasting decided to re-show on this particular night.
And DirtyDog will probably be messing around with his simulated camper all evening, so he'll probably miss it even though he could see it!
I'm trying to figure out how to watch the Bears and Packers while in Big Bend

Got room for a satellite dish on the roof of your camper?

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