I am working on a big update to my camper. Moving from one 12 volt AGM, to a solar system with lithium batteries. The road block I am at is that I need to calculate my electrical needs. At some point I would like to update my other components, so my plan is to start my conversion to solar by updating my appliances, which in turn will decrease the load on my current battery, and once everything is done on that side I can accurately calculate my electrical needs for my lithium/solar swap.
I am trying to figure out the fridge right now. I am thinking about swapping out my Dometic 4223 to a Dometic NRX 60. Has anyone done a similar swap? The 60 seems to be smaller, 2.05 cu ft vs the 2.5 cu ft of the 4223. But the next size up, the NRX 80, is 4" taller than my 4223 so that won't work well. The NRX 60 seems considerably more efficient than the 4223.
Has anyone done a similar swap? Am I missing anything here, will the NRX 60 be a suitable replacement for a 4223?
I am trying to figure out the fridge right now. I am thinking about swapping out my Dometic 4223 to a Dometic NRX 60. Has anyone done a similar swap? The 60 seems to be smaller, 2.05 cu ft vs the 2.5 cu ft of the 4223. But the next size up, the NRX 80, is 4" taller than my 4223 so that won't work well. The NRX 60 seems considerably more efficient than the 4223.
Has anyone done a similar swap? Am I missing anything here, will the NRX 60 be a suitable replacement for a 4223?