Thanks Argonaut20 and DonC for your input.
I checked out the Bobcat pic. Looks to be ok. However I can't quite tell.
Don, If it wouldn't be too much trouble, could you send me a picure of your Tundra rear?
I will check out your thread. The '06 Tundra and new second Gen Tacoma's have just about the same specs - Tundra- half inch wider and 1 foot longer (75.2" vs. 74.6"). The primary differnce is the bed- Tundra steel, Tacoma composite.
I have been thinking about upgrading to the 2006 Tundra instead of a new Tacoma because I will have to use turnbuckles. Since I carry the Eagle full time on my Gen one Tacoma it is bolted down and I can't bolt to the '05 and newer Tacoma. Means more checking for looseness and I hsve a weak back so don't like crawling around constantly ckecking for tightness.
I have a neighbor with an '05 Tundra. His tailgate measures 61.25" wide which is wider then the opening, however I don't know by how much. My Eagle is 51.25" wide at the portion that slides into the bed. Tailgate opening is 53.25". About a 7 " difference (3.5" per side)
Getting used to the additional weight of the Eagle shell (850 npounds dry) vs. my old Flip Pac (425 pounds dry) has been a process. I'm spending more time in 4th and more time at 65 mph,and have to drive hyper defensively because I don't have enough torque to power out of danger.
I just returned from a 4 day trip in the Santa Barbara mountains. My 4cyl Tacoma did very good on the flat and climbed Hwy 154 - summiting in 4th gear. Milege for the 450 mile trip averaged 18.4 mpg. I figure my camping weight with two passengers was close to 5100 pounds wet.