Following John C. Fremont


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Jun 30, 2009
Sierra Nevada Range
We are always interested in Western history, especially sites close to home. This adventure fit the bill perfectly for a quick trip.

In February 1844 Fremont's second expedition crossed the Sierra Nevada at Carson Pass. Prior to the ascent the expedition camped on the east side. This was known as the Long Camp. In 1996 a local historian believed he located the site. On his website he offers his argument and assessment: Long Camp Found

We finally had the time to check it out. It was a cool blustery day with fall definitely in the air. With the website instruction the site is relatively easy to find.

Here's our panorama of the view to the west and the Sierra crest.


and a panorama of the view to east, the way they came.


The mule ears are drying out.


The dwarf willows in the meadows are putting on their fall colors. The aspens only have an occasional golden leaf in Hope Valley and over Carson Pass, but Fall is on the way.

For those of you that are into western history and may be visiting the east side this fall, consider stopping by the USFS ranger station in Bridgeport - we have - and view the parts of Fremont's long lost howitzer from this expedition. More information can be found here:

Lost Mtn. Howitzer
Hey Ski. Great post. I have always liked John C. Living here in Monterey we have a lot of his history here. Have you read 'Dream West'. I'll have to check that camp ground.

Frank, been several years but I've read a couple of Fremont bios, and bios on Carson and his autobiography. Although I haven't read Dream West, I remember the mini series it was adapted to. I'll add it to my list, thanks!

Several years ago the Lady & I helped the "Lake of the Sky - the Story of Tahoe" film maker get himself and his camera gear up to the top to recreate Fremont's first view of Lake Tahoe. If you enjoy Tahoe history and haven't seen these two DVD's, it worth it to pick them up. Mr. Dallas did an outstanding job.

Lake of the Sky
At the Summer Lake rest area, next to OR31 in south-central/eastern Oregon. Fremont named Summer Lake, which looked mighty invitin' from the expedition's snowy vantage on Winter Ridge (which he also named).
For you folks that are into that time period this is a great read. It's about the mountain man era.I lived in Wyoming in the 70's.It's mostly about the yrs 1834-1843 and the rendezvous.

Journal of a Trapper by Osborne Russell It's includes alot of Fremont on his way west,It's the best book I've read about this tim period,you won't put it down.
Frank, been several years but I've read a couple of Fremont bios, and bios on Carson and his autobiography. Although I haven't read Dream West, I remember the mini series it was adapted to. I'll add it to my list, thanks!

Several years ago the Lady & I helped the "Lake of the Sky - the Story of Tahoe" film maker get himself and his camera gear up to the top to recreate Fremont's first view of Lake Tahoe. If you enjoy Tahoe history and haven't seen these two DVD's, it worth it to pick them up. Dr. Dallas did an outstanding job.

Lake of the Sky

Thanks SKI.I'll have to check it out.Have a liking of Lewis&Clark also.Enjoyed traveling a lot of their route.

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