FWC aluminum siding UV protection


New Member
Dec 1, 2022
Any of y’all coating your campers aluminum siding for longterm UV exposure? If so, what're you using? Mine gets about 6hrs direct sun everyday.

If it’s storage in between trips, get a tarp.

I’m garaged but wash and wax after every trip. Spray wax or a good paste or liquid with known UV protectants. Maguires.

I even wax the roof of camper. Keeps sap off etc.
I have had my 1977 Grandby since 2014. I waxed it the first year I got it and it polished right up. I know the previous owner didn't do anything. I now just wash it when needed and wax the front for easier bug removal.
Wash and wax as needed. I rewax the frontal areas before any trip for easy bug removal,
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