FWC Hawk Interior

Larry Perry

Advanced Member
Aug 25, 2012
Arnold California
I have tried to attach pictures to show the build of my FWC Hawk shell but I still can not attach more then One picture. I want to thank all the members that tried to help. I will post that picture Larry DSC_0004.JPG

Procedure to downsize your pictures.

Assuming you have a windows operating system.

1. Right click on the picture (jpg). Select Edit
2. A window opens that says "Paint"
3. Select " Image" then "stretch/skew"
4. Change the "Stretch" Horizontal and vertical fields to 28% (they display 100%)
5. I created a folder I call wander the west photos 28% - store downsized photos here
6. Add these pictures and just watch the total you are adding to make sure you don't exceed t
the maximum number of megabits.

Hope this helps as we would all like to see the rest of your pictures.
I use Apple now I used Windows for many years. I changed to Apple after I retired I faught the fight for 25 years to accept the Windows virus problems and in 2008 I said no more and switched... I have found a way to do the down loads. Thank every body for the help. Larry....

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