Polite rant on gas!
When I lived in the big city, my mileage was a tank per month since half the time, even if I drove, it was all traffic and no parking.
Now that I am in the middle of nowhere(by choice and preference), I HAVE to drive to get to the nearest grocery store/bar (5 miles), the next town which is really just a dot on the map (75 miles) to the next few dots and finally a commercial airport etc (160 miles). Most of my business is on the road travel and my daughter flies to see me every other weekend.
The camper is ALWAYS on my truck and while it hurts, gas is to my existence as is oxygen. The only other 'alternative' would be Greyhound or Amtrak but those are not reliable enough schedule-wise nor do they solve my problem of what I would drive once I got there. And I can't live on Greyhound if my plans change like I can in my camper. The camper pays for itself hands down! just in terms of lodging and the slightly more fuel it takes to run the truck than without it.
We've gotten man to the moon, devised the internet and all these other technologies but what happened to fuel efficiency. The oil companies, politicians and crazy activists have us by the ...um....gas pump.
My 2 cents,