I am not a Geologist (retired math/science teacher) but find a lot to be interested in ... and ran across this piece on dolomite. I taught patterning in math class, tessellation, etc. One class captured snow crystals and preserved them on microscope slides to view. Kids love kinesthetic learning.... butterfly nets, goggles, hip-boots anything to make it an adventure. They especially love hammers ... collecting samples and categorizing by attributes.
I get all worked up excited when humans apply their curiosity to solve a problem which will benefit all. Answering questions. This group apparently have done so on that dolomite crystal formation conundrum. I enjoy reading here posts from the mining folks and enthusiasts about geology ... so here is a piece that might be up your alley.
I get all worked up excited when humans apply their curiosity to solve a problem which will benefit all. Answering questions. This group apparently have done so on that dolomite crystal formation conundrum. I enjoy reading here posts from the mining folks and enthusiasts about geology ... so here is a piece that might be up your alley.