Thanks 4llamas for the info. My wife and I were talking about the how Oregon funds the system. I am sure your state has money problems also but has a great park system.As I said we have used the campgrounds for lots of years and have always enjoyed them. They are clean and they have showers that are included or you can use them for a small fee even when not camping there.
Hats off to you all in Or.
Ski3 thanks for letting me vent. My pressure is great but my feelings for our parks here is bad. The shame is that we had the best system hands down at one time.
Oh well may be it is about money and who can make a profit from our system,just saying IMO.
I guess all we can do is keep looking for that silver lining,wherever it may be. As for me and camping at our parks,I do have that I enjoy and frequent. One thing about the coastal cg's, I live on the coast so camping on most of our coast is way to crowded for us.I can drive 5 miles and be at a beach that has little of no people.
I'll get off me soap box for a while.I certainly won't let all this put a damper on my fun.
Keep enjoying the out of doors.
I agree, it seems like this thing started as almost a joke to shock us into funding the parks or at least realizing there was a problem. Several months ago, I started a thread bitching about everything from the increased costs ans decreased service and the obvious attempt by KOA and certain business interests, and politicians to turn our park dept into a money maker for those groups and not for the public interest. But I really hoped that it would not happen and someone would see the light and stop this.
You may have noticed, but I (and allot of other people) too, seem to be spending allot more time up in Oregon- their parks are funded or on federal land, even their worst c/cg are better than most Ca Parks! And it is a shame, I grew up going to places like the Sonoma and Medicino Coast Parks and before I retired took most of my vacations every fall at either (or both) Manchester or Westport-----and when I retired I was looking forward to spending allot of my time there or over here just seeing all the places I always wanted to see but never had the time.
Like many of us I paid the $24.00/day instead of the $8.00 I used to because I still was on the coast. I was reading the park net site and they where begging for "contractors" to come in a manage the parks-including Westport-so it seems no matter what we did , the pol's had decided our park's fate, not we the people. Well on the first if they do shut these parks up, then I think we really need to vent, maybe this new voting system of getting the top two vote geters in the primaries to vote for instead of a party ticket , might give us some moderate type pols instead of the present crop of extremists (on both sides-though the GOP seems to not care about anything 'cept for $, the Dem's don't have a spine anymore) we have now- and maybe we will get something done-no more bitching till the first-still more letters to write; hoping my vote may mean something this time!!! See you in Oregon!