As Monte knows, I’ve had issues with mice. They’ve done damage in both my vehicles and tractor; they’ve built nests in the cabin air filter of my 4Runner, food stashes in the engine air filter box of the same and in the battery compartment of the tractor.
I have feral cats and keep an electric pet water bowl and a small gravity kibble feeder on the covered porch of one of my sheds for them. I monitor their activity of them and the mice and other critters with a trail camera. The mice got used to the cats, often there would be images of mice on the camera second apart from the cats. The cats also were captured coming out from under the shed with prey in their mouths.
Researching, I’ve found that for every solution, there are countless nay sayers. I’ve tried various sprays and pouches to no avail. So I asked my nearest neighbors, who have a couple of RVs and their own mice issues.
So theirs and my solution to vehicular occupation and damage is dryer sheets and ultrasonic devices under the hood of both vehicles. I simply stuffed them in nooks and crannies; the ultrasonic devices connect to the battery and zip tie to convenient mounts.
Naysayers cry foul, in the year since I implemented them, I’ve found no evidence of habitation in my vehicles. But they’re still around in the sheds.
The ultrasonic devices I use:
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Came with two, which are in each of my vehicles. I use a setting that emits constant ultrasonic noise along with regular cycles of flashing LED lights and audible sounds akin to a screech owl.
But now, like others here, they’ve moved inside my home for the first time. Currently I’ve been keeping them down to minimal activity with Tomcat bait traps. My home is less than two years old, I think they’ve slipped in under the security doors we installed last fall when we’ve left the main doors open on nice days.