hey there
you mighht want to look at this thread ...
there are usually 2 or 3 common problems for that ...
1. The small small slits at the end of the propane tube (where the flame is actually burning) are clogged up. I have seen rust on some, and others were clogged with a small spider web that resrticted the propane flow just enough to where it would not stay lit. Easy fix once you get the part out. Check it, clean it, maybe a quick blast with compressed air. Re-assemble and give it a try. I have seen some that came out in 3 or 4 minutes with a screw driver, and others took up to 1 hour to get all of the parts out of there. You might even be able to clean it with a small tooth brush without removing it (maybe ??).
2. The thermocoupler is out of alignment. The thermocoupler is the small rod that is directly over the propane flame. If the thermocoupler is not directly over the flame, it won't get hot enough to tell the refrigerator to keep pumping propane and the pilot light will go out. I have seen some of these that worked loose and shifted out of alignment (easy fix, just re-tighten). Others just needed to be bent a little so they were over the flame (as much as possible).
3. Make sure you have enough propane and your tank is not too low.
4. You could have a bad thermocupler, but they seem like they are pretty reliable.
Those are the easy to look for things that I can think of off hand.
hope this helps ...