Gormley Green
After reading a very appealing article in a magazine recently I am even more inspired to head down to the Sierras for some spring corn at the end of this season. Probably late April/May. From my reading I gather approaching from the E on 395 is the way to go. I know it'll be an easy sell to my copilot if it's sunny like our trip to Tahoe last year at the same time of year. We like the up just as much (ok, almost as much) as the down and are very happy to explore. But a good basecamp where we could stay for 3 or 4 days and ski great terrain within 1-3 hours from the truck would be the best! Hey, maybe we'll even bring the mountin bikes and get some double days. I hope that's not a pipe dream, California definitely didn't disappoint on my one and only trip there thus far.
So....anyone want to give a few ideas to a clueless Canadian? Ski, I'm looking at you...
So....anyone want to give a few ideas to a clueless Canadian? Ski, I'm looking at you...