How Level for the fridge?


Apr 13, 2007
As the title entails, how level does the truck need to be to operate the Fridge. The local RV is saying as level as possible, there is a level bubble in the fridge as well as pitch and roll in the truck cab.

My grandfather is getting ready to do the maiden voyage on the rig to Oklahoma so I want to make sure he doesn't destroy my fridge before I get to use it!
If the fridge runs on LP, it needs to be very close to level, as it needs gravity to operate. If it is a 12V/110V only, up to about 30 degrees from level as these use a compressor.
best answer is - check the specs!
the 3 ft norcold is specified to +- 3 degrees side to side and +- 6 degrees fore and aft.....then remember it mounted sideways.

thats pretty level....but...some people are not comfortable sleeping at those limits.

fwc posts the manuals for the units on their web site.

Good point, I'd missed the fact that it is mounted sideways and the leveling spec's should be rotated 90 degrees for proper operation. Still learnin' about these here fancy camper contraptions. Thanks.
Although the newer reefers are rigged to work more off-level than the older ones, the more level the better. Off-level damage is cumulative (buildup of scale inside) so it pays to be a bit anal about this.
Unfortunately I dont have the manual. The fridge may very well be older than me. The rig is a 78, but at some point it had been rebuilt so I'm not sure how old it is. I'm gonna look around the house for some boards for him to take with him to level the truck out. Thanks for the experience guys!
I'm gonna look around the house for some boards for him to take with him to level the truck out.
How about Lynx Levelers?

I have seen them at Wal-Mart (I hate the Wal-Mart! web site).

Thanks for the link, when out and bought some today from Walmart. About $20.
Also, PRIME EZ Level-Temp...Use one product to perform two jobs. Thermometer shows refrigerator or freezer temperature with safe zones indicated. Easy-to-read round bubble level quickly shows if your refrigerator is properly leveled. The EZ Level-Temp is the size of a business card, 2” X 3-1/2”. Thermometer shows both Fahrenheit and Celsius.
only $2.98! :D

One way that would work is to get the reefer bottom shelf level all the way around with the TC on the truck and then mount the level in the cab so it is level. Presuming the load isn't changed much (or the air bags changed), then you can adjust when first parking. Travel trailer folks do something like that by mounting the level on the trailer tongue or where they can see it in the mirror.
My cab is small on the '83 Toyota. I have a level on the side next to my left shoulder and one on the back wall next to that. I can move the truck around untill it is level enough.

People watching us move around must think we are a little off the bubble ourselves.

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