You can probably put them just about any where you want.
Just spread them out.
Put some in front, in the middle, and in the back of the tie down bars.
We use the rubber bed mat strips to keep the camper sitting flat on the truck bed.
The rubber mat material should be an almost flush thickness at the black steel tie down bed bars.
The mat also keeps the camper off the composite truck bed and adds a little tackyness so the camper won't move as much.
Hope this helps.
Feel free to call Rich or Chicali in our service dept. if you would like any additional information.
FWC Service (800) 242-1442.
Tacoma 3 yr and Eagle 2 years. You guys installed it for me and I took it off for a while. Now I have these small rubber strips and the big ones.
Do the thinner ones go crosswise under the three bigger ones?