Old & Soft
I bought a Kelty Carport Deluxe last summer for a little over $200.00. I've never used it,
It's still sealed in the box that's never been opened. The box is a little beat up from riding around in the camper for a year. If any forum members are interested I'll take $85.00 for it. I'm in Sacramento if you want to pick up. If I have to ship it, buyer pays shipping. PM me if interested. OH, I can bring it to the Death Valley get together if you want to wait that long.
It's still sealed in the box that's never been opened. The box is a little beat up from riding around in the camper for a year. If any forum members are interested I'll take $85.00 for it. I'm in Sacramento if you want to pick up. If I have to ship it, buyer pays shipping. PM me if interested. OH, I can bring it to the Death Valley get together if you want to wait that long.