This brought back allot of memories of my tent days. As a side note, the first place I took my brand new FWC was here. I have been going there since I was in High School and untill a few years ago every year in October I came and camped here to watch the sun sink into the sea from a large dune on the edge of the cg ( a regular event-could not start a new year without seeing it at least once). I was there so many times one of the rangers tried to get me to become a camp host-said no. They once found a just born white shark pup on the beach---so you always had to worry about more thanjust the under tow there. We used to be allowed to gather fire wood and it was pretty rough camping back-lot's of racoons---- then-sometimes you might just stay on the beach especially in the fall and winter, when most campers were not using the area-sleep a night or two in the hippy drift log shelters-those were the days.. There was a regular group of campers that met here every new years too. The california coast trail goes through there and I used to walk it with the dog -in the old days they didn't really care about that stuff. Then they identified identified a rare plant and then something called the mountain beaver and closed a few more of the dune cg sites every year and they eventually put in a fence to cut that area off---ran it right through the camp i usually used in the Monteray Pines . The final hit was no more dogs on the trails through the dunes to the beach. I've heard maybe that ban has been lifted, that area is so neat, but since all the closeures I have not been back for about 5-6 years-got lot's of stories about that place. Remember a few years back when I was making all the noise about them closing this and Rock Port State Beaches-anyway they are still open-lot's of letters to the State to prove it. Ted I drank allot of beers there, sitting around a fire in the wind---the wind that seems to never stop---but I loved that place, like I said every year I went there except for my army time, I guess I'll have to go back---that is if the dog ban is off, that really sucked you had to walk the dog up and down the paved roads instead of on the beach-tell me its over with and maybe i'll be there again this October--real good pictures. Been going to rock port now, still remote enough to enjoy. anyway thanks for the TR.