Fire Proof
You know it just seemed to good to be true that for once it looked like the co-piolt and I would make our scheduled departure time of 1200 hrs. on Friday the 16th, or so at least we thought As seems my lifes story, unexpected circumstances prevented us from leaving untill Sat. morning, Urrrrrr!!!. At any rate, without any further a do we were on the hwy early and were making good time.
Around 0800 I decided to stop and top off the tank in Ridgecrest and re-check the map. From here we were off moving N by N/W down hwy 178 @ a good clip untill the town of "Trona" came into view. I have to say that this is one of the most depressing looking towns I have come across and one look @ the town's High School pretty much sums it up. From Trona we bee lined it for Stove Pipe Wells to meet up with the rest of the gang. Upon arrival it seemed as though we were the 1st ones there, so with day light to burn we were off to the Dunes.
After a short hike we headed back to Stove Pipe and awaited for the rest of the Wander's to show up. A little later I was joined by Simimike, Patrick & Carrol as well as Lawnmower man. We all got aquainted rather quickly and shared in story telling untill the rest of the group arrived. Around 1630 the rest of the gang arrived and everyone started jocking for position to where they would put down for the night. You had to be there. The followig shots are of the store @ Stove Pipe, followed by Suni's fine rig with GF Jessica and dog Gunner and a group shot.
Around 0800 I decided to stop and top off the tank in Ridgecrest and re-check the map. From here we were off moving N by N/W down hwy 178 @ a good clip untill the town of "Trona" came into view. I have to say that this is one of the most depressing looking towns I have come across and one look @ the town's High School pretty much sums it up. From Trona we bee lined it for Stove Pipe Wells to meet up with the rest of the gang. Upon arrival it seemed as though we were the 1st ones there, so with day light to burn we were off to the Dunes.
After a short hike we headed back to Stove Pipe and awaited for the rest of the Wander's to show up. A little later I was joined by Simimike, Patrick & Carrol as well as Lawnmower man. We all got aquainted rather quickly and shared in story telling untill the rest of the group arrived. Around 1630 the rest of the gang arrived and everyone started jocking for position to where they would put down for the night. You had to be there. The followig shots are of the store @ Stove Pipe, followed by Suni's fine rig with GF Jessica and dog Gunner and a group shot.