Starting my first thread, about poor old snake bit Bob the border collie, took even longer, like it's almost giving up part of your self for the world to see and then becoming personally involved with the site! .......I guess, after all, we are a diverse group of people tied together by owning or wanting to own a special type of rig, each with different experiences, and we like to "Wander the West ", looking for adventures! That make sense?
I remember your first thread, Smoke, about snake-bit-Bob -- it was a great one!
I agree about the "diverse group of people tied together by owning or wanting to own a special type of rig" -- spot on. A couple of years ago somebody posted something trying to define what makes a WTW member, what our common values are, but I think it really just comes down to the common type of rigs -- as you say. You may find other things in common with some of the other WTWers, but you'll also find some pretty diverse opinions (aka "controversy"), too.
About the rigs: It's funny how there's nothing in "Wander The West" that says pop-up campers, and yet that's the main commonality...among those who identify what kind of rig they have, at least.