Two things:
First, I'm confused because the post Sunman links to looks perfectly normal to me. So maybe it only appears "farked up" on whatever program you are using??? Since I know you will ask, I am using Mozilla Firefox. And what's a <BR>?
Second, DD teased me about the mustache I had in my profile photo, calling me Magnum. For kicks and grins, I changed the photo to one of Magnum. I got tired of that fast and changed it to a street sign while at work. The street sign shows up on my home pc and my wife's work pc, but Magnum still show's up when I log in on my work computer, even though my profile shows the street sign???
BTW, I know the photo is hard to read so I will probably change it again, but i felt it was a good representation of the roads we like to take. It reads, "Nothing Ahead, Next 23 Miles".
I fixed the problems in Sunmans post. Will you edit your post and see how it turns out?
Regarding the photo - thats just a caching issue in your browser, it has nothing to do with the software here at the site.