Moto V860

Mark W. Ingalls

Jun 19, 2007
Houston, TX
I was in the market for a new phone, and I had the following list of desires:
+ Tetherable wireless modem.
+ Ruggedized
+ Uses the same USB interface as my wife's and son's phones

I first ordered a different ruggedized VZW phone, because it was advertised with more features and was well reviewed. The problem was, the other brand of phone did not come with a USB cable, nor was one available. While I was searching around for the cable online, I tried out the extra features, such as the thermometer- it was off by 4 to 6 degrees Farenheit, making it pretty useless. The LED flashlight was nice, but not nicer than being able to surf the WEB surfside.

So, I exchanged it for this much less glitzy Motorola Barrage. I have already used it to get my email and upload documents far from any available Wi-Fi hot spots (cool!) and it has come in handy when I am in the shower and I get an important phone call (you know: from Edna!). It also uses the same cord as the other cell phones in the family, which is great on trips.

It has some other surprisingly useful features. For example, I can make a call without looking at the phone because it pronounces the names of my contacts as I scroll through the list. Also, it is actually very useful to know who is calling without having to put down whatever I am carrying to look at the cell phone display. The voice recognition, e.g., "Call... John... Mobile," actually work on this phone for me and that is a first.

I already have several great digital cameras, so I always thought having a camera phone was sort of stupid. But the other day I bought something at the lumber store that didn't have a sticker. No problem, I just snapped a picture of the display tag, and the cashier keyed the SKU right in.

I put one of those 4 GB micro SD cards into the phone for $11 so I can transfer files back and forth from the phone to my laptop, or to other computers. That's when one gewfy 'feature' of the phone showed up. When you first plug it in to the USB cable, you get to choose between "Media Sync Mode" and "Modem Mode." Choosing "Media Sync" gives you the option to either download music, or NOT. "Not" mode does nothing... nada... Zippo... except to charge the battery. If you want to transfer files or photos, you have to go into "Tools" and select "USB Mass Storage." But even *that* is gewfy, because there are two menu items that have the phrase 'USB'. To transfer files, you want the one that results from, "MENU, Settings & Tools, 2. Tools, 8. USB Mass Storage," and *not* "MENU, Settings & Tools, 9. USB Mode." Pretty stinkin' ridiculous, eh?

The bluetooth pairing thingie works, but I can't get used to making or answering calls on a headset. Plus, people who walk around in public talking to themselves seem icky to me. I might get a car adapter someday, and I am confident this phone will work with it.

Other than that one weird menu glitch, I really, really like this phone.

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