New Truck


Post Master
Apr 27, 2006
The Old Pueblo
Well guys I've been driving the T-100 for 12 years and after this last trip I decided if I'm only going to get 12 to 14 MPG with the camper on I might as well get it with some power. The Toyota cant be driven in OD using cruise control with the FWC on it with out the tranny having a fit shifting up and down like crazy.

Soluition: New Ram 2500 with a Cummins Diesel. Wow what a fantastic vehicle. I picked it up a couple of days ago and really love it. I got an amazing deal (its an '06). 2K cheaper than a friend payed for his last year at this time and mine has the additional cost of an auto tran.

Now comes the task of adapting the Ranger FWC to the Dodge. I dont think it will be too much of a hassel but I'll let you all know how it comes out. I do welcome any suggestion Y'all might have.

Incidentally the T-100 is for sale.

Looking at the FWC website it says that the new 2500 Dodge should use a Grandby for the LB and the Hawk for the SB. Do you think you can get that Ranger to fit properly? Or maybe you should sell your Ranger to me.:rolleyes:
Let me know how the fit goes. How about a photo when you get 'er done.
Congratulations on the new truck. I love my CTD, what a great motor! I still think Toyota makes the best trucks, But they just don't have the cargo capacity of the Heavy Duty American trucks. I didn't have do a thing to my suspension.
I get 18 MPG at 1900 RPM , at about 64 MPH. And the trannie never shifts out of overdrive! Of course your mileage may differ. That's just on cruise control on the Interstate. Around town it drops fast, to about 15 MPG. Depends on the weight of my foot.

Now that you have the larger bed maybe it's time for a larger camper. I have lots of great ideas on how to spend your money!


Congratulations on the new truck :D

I’ve been going through the same issues because I am looking at picking up a used FWC Ranger next week to go on my Tundra. And since my Tundra already has over 100,000 miles on it I’m trying to figure out what other trucks to Ranger will fit on. I had the guy who I am buying the Ranger from make some measurement for me.

Near as I can tell you have to look a several dimensions.

1) Bed width – the Ranger is only 69 inches wide so, on a wider bed like the Dodge, it will barely overhang the inside of the side rails. It probably won’t go to the outside of the bed rails. How does it look? If you’re happy with the look, the advantage is that you don’t have to worry about clearance in the backcountry because it doesn’t overhang the sides.

2) Width between jacks - You may have to fabricate width extensions on your jacks to clear the fenders :eek: for loading the camper so check the inside width between the front jacks. Even with stock extensions they may only be 78” wide???

3) Bed side rail height – The Ranger is about 19 inches to the side overhangs. Your side rails are probably just over 20 inches tall. If this is true, you’ll have to put a spacer under the camper to raise the side rail clearance maybe 1 1/2”.

4) Cab height – check to see if your cab height from bed floor to top of cab will clear the front overhang. I think the Ranger height to the bottom of the front overhang is around 42 ½ inches. If your cab height is more than 44 inches you will have to raise the floor more than the 1 ½” you already had to for the side rails.

Check out one of the other threads in this forum for Marty’s description of the lift on DD’s Hawk to fit the deep bed on the Ford trucks. You will probably have to do something similar.

Make your own measurements - don't trust what I wrote above ;)

Good Luck!
camper fit

you should need a 3 1/2 inch platform to give yourself enough room over your cab to have enough room for frame flex. measure cab height to bed highest point add 2 1/4 inches subtract bed board bottom to bottom of camper. this should give you a 3 to 3 1/2 platform measurment. and you will need about a 8 inch plate on each front jack to clear the truck probably get away with a 4 on the rear. this should be close. marty
Mike, Jim and Marty, Thanks for all of the good advise and help.

Mike - I look forward to the power even if the milage is the same as the Toyota. But from what some of the guys on the Ram discussion board say (as do you) my MPG should increase if I dont get tempted by all that torque. I've had this thing 4 days and my wife has to pry me out of it...What a truck!

Jim & Marty - Thanks for those dimensions. I will measure and fit accordingly. I'm hoping that I can faricate something that will give me some firewood or cargo room under the FWC. I figured I would need to fabricate plates to move the jacks out board a bit. Since I use the FWC with the jacks off it shouldnt be an issue. I do like the idea of the FWC being flush with the truck bed rails.

Marty, My plan is to use it with the tail gate off. I dont want to beat up the tailgate with rocks and gravel. Do I need to worry about the strength of the camper vis-a-vis the overhang. My Dodge is a short bed.

Thanks guys keep those ideas coming.

Hey Mike,
how are you securing the FWC to the Ram? I was hoping to use the cargo tie-downs on the sides of the box.

Congratulations on the new truck. I love my CTD, what a great motor! I still think Toyota makes the best trucks, But they just don't have the cargo capacity of the Heavy Duty American trucks. I didn't have do a thing to my suspension.
I get 18 MPG at 1900 RPM , at about 64 MPH. And the trannie never shifts out of overdrive! Of course your mileage may differ. That's just on cruise control on the Interstate. Around town it drops fast, to about 15 MPG. Depends on the weight of my foot.

Now that you have the larger bed maybe it's time for a larger camper. I have lots of great ideas on how to spend your money!


I had FWC install my camper. They drilled holes for the eye-bolts in the bed. I was traumatized, holes drilled in my baby! The horror. But time heals all. And it seems to be holding up well.
no tail gate

marty here,

No problem on leaving your tail gate off. The factory tie downs on your truck are for looks only as far as your camper goes. On the dodge you should use 3/8 inch forged eye bolts with 2 inch washers. The washers are thick for under the bed, about 1/8" fender washers. The top ones are a standard fender washer with a nice finish for inside the bed. If your turnbuckles are too short simply use a quick link and a short piece of chain.
I know what you mean. When I drilled the Toy it already had 100,000 on it and a few other holes for bike racks etc. But the new Ram? Oh The Horror!!!
Are you using centering brackets (more holes)? I am hoping not to use them when I come up with a way of adapting the ranger to the Dodge.
Thanks again and thank Ben for the phone messges. My wife eraced them but my street # is 5134 and my zip is 93035.

I think I might use something more than thick washers since even with them it dimpled the Toyota bed.
Liner fix


Ben here.

Just left you another message on the phone and then found your zip code here. Still need to know what color you liner is. I also found the VLP that you should use for the repair. Just do a google search for VLP vinyl repair and you will find a few sources for it. If you don't have anyone local let me know. We have a local outlet here that I can pick some up at and send it to you with the patch material.



I don't have the centering brackets. I did have the camper shift in the bed when the turnbuckles loosened. (A lot of dirt roads). I'm going to put some lock nuts on them to try to prevent this from occurring again. Outbackcamper talked about this problem.
I had Line-X sprayed into the bed before the camper was installed. Line-X had to grind the paint in the bed get the stuff to stick. Then the camper install! The whole process is allot like making sausage. It's best if you don't know.

Hi Ben, When I got home late last night I got your message. The liner is grey. I cant tell you how much I appreciate all your help. Thanks again.

Ben here.

Just left you another message on the phone and then found your zip code here. Still need to know what color you liner is. I also found the VLP that you should use for the repair. Just do a google search for VLP vinyl repair and you will find a few sources for it. If you don't have anyone local let me know. We have a local outlet here that I can pick some up at and send it to you with the patch material.




One last question then. Can you find the VLP in your area?? If not let me know and we will send some with the material. I am going to call our supplier today for some scrap pieces. We don't have any the size that you need ourselves. I am sure our supplier will have them though. Should be able to get them sent out to you in the next couple of days.


My tentative plan is to use a couple 4X4's accross the witdh of the bed and attach some short lengths to the ends of them with space in between wide enough for the FWC. I think the weight of the FWC and gear will keep every thing in place and if my idea is correct it will serve to center and raise the camper to the correct height. The turn buckles will then keep it all tied down.

I have put lock nuts on my turn buckles but as you know dirt roads are
unrelenting and I still have to check them periodically.
camper repair


Talked to the supplier today and he has the scaps large enough for what you need. Let me know about the VLP and we will get everything sent out to you.

Do you think I could use quarter inch aluminum plate for the 8" and 3 1/2" brackets. It would be a hell of lot easier to work with and they would only be used to load and unload the camper. I remove the jacks after the camper is on the truck.
I cant find any VLP around these parts. If you could include it with the vinyl it would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know the costs of these items so I can get you guys a check to pay for it all. With all of you guys kindness on a camper you didnt even build I really cant let you pay for this stuff as well.
brackets and repair


The aluminum will work fine for extending the jacks for what you want to do. Just talked to Jeff and Marty about it. I also picked up your repair vinyl today and some VLP. I will get it sent out to you tomorrow or the next day. I have a meeting tomorrow that will take awhile, so at the latest it will go out on Thursday for you. Don't worry about any payment. We are just glad to help and hope that if you ever need another camper, you'll give us a call.


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