Senior Member
I have a 96 (?) Granby that I recently aquired and put on my F150. I had a local RV place install a bettery that gets charged when I run the truck but can't drain the truck, said I didn't need an isolator, had something. So what do I have and what works. I know that battery gets charged when the truck is running, does that battery get charged if hooked to AC? I doubt it but?? And on AC will that run my furnace fan? How many watts can I run on AC? I have a 1000w generator I can carry in my little trailer so I could plug into that if I needed electricity. My first little trip I ran into some nice 11 degree morning temps, furnace worked well but I didn't want to run it too much for fear I'd drain the aux battery, how long could it run that and I guess what I need is a little battery monitor, any suggestions. Pardon all the questions, I want to get this under control as I retire oin a month and hope to be on the road. !st stop is Death Valley.