Northern Nevada Roads Less Traveled


Senior Member
Dec 18, 2010
Reno, NV
We shall call this trip the roads less traveled. It was a great trip and we saw some amazing country (as usual anytime you travel through northern Nevada). This trip started like most of ours, we picked a direction, looked through the maps and found an interesting point to shoot for. I was looking in the northern Washoe/Humboldt areas of the state (Northeast corner) and noticed a lake by the name of New Year Lake that ran parallel to the CA/NV border and looked both remote and of a good size.

Saturday morning, all loaded up, we headed out. We topped off in Gerlach and headed north on Hwy 34. Just north of the Petrified Forest and the summit, we noticed a road off to the west that looked interesting so we took it. There was a great camping spot next to a little creek with plenty of shade and open areas as well. We had two Hawks circling above us as we walked around talking to each other.

Once we were done drove north on 34 before turning west again and followed a road to SR 447 just south of the Wall Canyon area. We turned north and drove into Cedarville (fuel stop, damn small factory tank). I learned after my first trip into the Blackrock, that you always want to get fuel every chance you can. So after topping off, we turned east and headed back into Nevada. Just after crossing over the border, we found the road we were looking for and turned north.

The map and gps showed it as being a pretty decent road...And it started out that way, shortly after turning off of 8A, there was even a camp with a 5th wheel parked and several trucks, so we were feeling pretty good. Further up the road we came to our first gate. It was a large metal gate, so everything was still good. We hit another wire gate (the first of many) and still the road isn't too bad, but the further we traveled, the less use the road had seen. The only tracks I saw were from a ATV other than that, nothing since the snow melt. Soon after, the road really became overgrown and at times, I had to get out and look through the vegetation and rely on the gps to ensure I was still on the trail. We slowly worked our way along most of the time in 4low. The truck did great, it just needs more clearance, I don't think there is one part on the underside that didn't kiss a rock at some point.

The road didn't get any better and the adventure continues.

After working our way over the many fields and ridges, we finally started down towards the lake. It took us roughly 2.5 hours from the turn off of 8A until we reached the lake. With better clearance and suspension, it would take less time, but for a stock truck, it did great. The veiw as we approached the lake.

We made it down to the lake and decided to call it a day and make camp.

There were no visible use of this rather large and pretty lake. And if you look at the maps, there are no "big" roads leading to it, the only ones we could find were small trails.

The lake at sunset, we were on the south end of the lake looking north.

The only downside, were the mosquitos, they were voracious and were more than happy to have some fresh blood. It was a great night and it was really nice to have the place to ourselves.

Sunday morning the plan was to continue around the south end of the lake and head north and exit onto Ft. Bidwell road. As they say the best laid plans...

As we were working our way around the lake, I had to get out and scout the road out, at this point it didn't look like any one had traveled this way in a really long time. As we got to the southern most point, there was a large male antelope that acted like we were the first vehicle he had ever seen, he wasn't afraid and kept coming toward us to "check" us out. He would only get about 300 yds away, before his courage would break and he would move away. Then he would come back and do it all over. We were stopped and watched him do it several times, before it was time to keep moving.

After working our way around the lake, the road just kind of stopped at a very old corral. I got out and began scouting out the trail. I figured out why the road had seen so little use, there were two sizeable creeks feeding the lake and the second one was much too deep to cross the sides were several feet tall, so no vehicles are crossing and driving north around the lake. So we had to turn around and head back the way we came. Which was really surprising, considering the gps and the map showed it going through. Oh well, we decided to try the road heading south at what we were calling antelope crossing and it too petered out after climbing up into a very neat valley. So back out the way we came. The vegitation was so thick that even after we had just driven through, I really had to concentrate to find the trail and even scout it out again. It took us about three hours from the time we left camp until we were back at the spot where we had camped. Pretty wild.
Once we made it back out 8A, we headed east towards Vya. Vya is a town again. For anyone who has passed through the crossroads of Vya before would be shocked by how much is there. The pipeline has created a town once again.

We continued east on 8A until we reached the Sheldon turn off and up we went. We crossed the Sheldon to SR140 and turned right to head down to the Thousand Creeks/Durfferena Ponds area. I had been told that the campground, Virgin Valley CG, had a geothermal heated pool. We decided to give it a try. The campground was free and the pool was very well done. The bottom is natural, but there has been some concrete work with a ladder to get in and out of the pool. The temperature isn't really "soaking" hot, but it is one of the nicest temperatures you could ask for after a long day on the trail. Plus right next to the pool is a building with showers. There are these little fish in the pool that if you stand still will start "cleaning." It is a really weird feeling but kind of cool at the same time, the fish are very social and as soon as you stop moving, come near you.

Swimming with the fishes...

The pool.

We got in gear on Monday morning and headed south out of the CG. We passed near the old Virgin Valley Ranch and noticed this Black Crowned Night Heron hanging out.

We turned west again and decided to follow a road back across the Sheldon to intersect with 8A. This too was a road that had seen little use and we had the area to ourselves. Just us a few deer, antelope and wild horses. Not to mention various birds that we saw along the way. This was very open, remote country and we really enjoyed it.

For anyone looking to "get away from it all" you owe it to yourself to head to Northern Nevada area, you really feel like you are the only ones out there.

Time for the cleanup.

Can you supply coordinates of that lake you visited (unless it's a secret)? Is its name shown on a topo? I wouldn't say I'm familiar with the area...but I've been through there, on 8A and 34, several times over the years, and am curious where you ended up.
Apparently I haven't been through there recently enough, though, 'cause I had no idea that Vya had all that stuff going on there.

I like the pool with the fish that volunteer to clean you! I've 'cleaned' many fish, but I've never been cleaned by fish.

Thanks for the report on this little-visited area of high desert!
Great report and photos, Locrwin! I'm with MarkBC, where/what is that lake? Maybe Wall Canyon Res? And look at Vya! Wow, the last time I was there it was only a name on a map; now it's a city!
Iv'e done some back roading in NV, but you are braver than I. Wow. I would have called it good at the gates.

Anybody else remember (back in the early-'90s) that family (husband, wife, baby -- the Stolpas) that headed east from Cedarville at Xmas -- as a shortcut to Idaho -- and traveled along 8A. Naturally, they got stuck in the snow on that unmaintained-road for several days or more...they tried to walk on/out, etc. Long-story-short: Mom and Dad lost their feet to freezing, but the baby was just fine.
They made a TV movie out of the story, starring Neil Patrick Harris. The story (the actual story, not the movie) intrigued me because I'd been through and camped in the area...but not in the dead of winter! I love winter camping, but I avoid areas where I'll get stuck.

Stolpa Story Part 1
Stolpa Story Part 2
Thanks for the compliments guys. I don't "track" my adventures, so I had to look up the coordinates on Google Earth. 41 degrees 45' 15.52" N by 119 degrees 57' 00.00" W Elevation of 5989 ft.

We have been following those kind of roads in Nevada for almost 20 years, you just have to be careful when it's wet or there is snow.

I don't "track" my adventures, so I had to look up the coordinates on Google Earth. 41 degrees 45' 15.52" N by 119 degrees 57' 00.00" W Elevation of 5989 ft.

Thanks -- looks like it's called "Crooks Lake"....definitely off the beaten path!
Definitely looks like rain would make that a no go. Pretty cool area. I need to get up that way some time.
Thanks -- looks like it's called "Crooks Lake"....definitely off the beaten path!

Yeah, it depends on which map you are using/looking at on whether it is called New Year's Lake or Crook's Lake.

Yeah, it depends on which map you are using/looking at on whether it is called New Year's Lake or Crook's Lake.


My Delorme calls it New Year's Lake, which is indeed "out there."
Yeah, it depends on which map you are using/looking at on whether it is called New Year's Lake or Crooks Lake.

Yes, that's weird. On my NatGeo TOPO map software (which has 5 levels of scale built in), at the "500k" scale and bigger it's call New Year Lake, but down at the 100k and 24,000 (so-called 7.5') scale it's called Crook's Lake.

Damn geographers/cartographers! So...I did a Google search on "New Year Lake" and "Crooks Lake" together, wondering if I could find an explanation of the discrepancy. I got two hits:
- One was a fishing/hunting website called, that had an entry for fishing at New Year Lake that mentioned: "Alternate names for this lake includes Roops Lake and Crooks Lake".
- The other was a recent trip-report posting by "locrwin1" on a website-forum called, and one of the comments on the trip report mentioned Crooks Lake!

I think I'm gonna call it Roops Lake
Yes, that's weird. On my NatGeo TOPO map software (which has 5 levels of scale built in), at the "500k" scale and bigger it's call New Year Lake, but down at the 100k and 24,000 (so-called 7.5') scale it's called Crook's Lake.

Damn geographers/cartographers! So...I did a Google search on "New Year Lake" and "Crooks Lake" together, wondering if I could find an explanation of the discrepancy. I got two hits:
- One was a fishing/hunting website called, that had an entry for fishing at New Year Lake that mentioned: "Alternate names for this lake includes Roops Lake and Crooks Lake".
- The other was a recent trip-report posting by "locrwin1" on a website-forum called, and one of the comments on the trip report mentioned Crooks Lake!

I think I'm gonna call it Roops Lake

Starting to look like you can call it whatever. :p

I posted on Ih8mud, because I spent the last few years exlporing the west in this.

and am still friends with a lot of the cruiser people, just got tired of tent camping after spending a week moving everynight. Of course that is at double hot springs in the Blackrock.


I posted on Ih8mud, because I spent the last few years exlporing the west in this...and am still friends with a lot of the cruiser people, just got tired of tent camping after spending a week moving everynight. Of course that is at double hot springs in the Blackrock.


Looks like a great rig for exploring -- better than a big-ole pickup-camper, mostly...except for the camping at the end of the day.
Looks like a great rig for exploring -- better than a big-ole pickup-camper, mostly...except for the camping at the end of the day.

Yeah, it was capable of many hours on the highway, dirt, trail and still asked for more, but the camping, poor gas mileage and low power got really old. It was time.

Enjoyed your trip report! Thanks. Yup, we're like the rest of 'em and pulled out the maps!

Thank you.

We have been all "around" the Blackrock and Northern Nevada (not that you can see it all, but we are trying), but that has become our M.O., we look at the map(s) and try to find the interesting stuff or places that we haven't been to before and go.


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