Random Acts of Kindness


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Jun 30, 2009
Sierra Nevada Range
This made the Lady & my day today. The in-laws are getting up there in age, 88, but doing well and living on their own. We do check on them often and will cook big meals here and drop off half for them. We stopped by this afternoon on our way up the hill. Big event in their lives is getting out of the house for a noon meal. They attended the County's Veterans Day Celebration at 11 am and then popped into one of their favorite cafes. They are great folks and easily get into conversation with others. A family was seated at the next table and they all were soon talking about whatever came to mind. The fellow noticed Dad's USMC polo shirt and asked about his service in WWII. The family finished up their meal and were on their way. A bit later, the in-laws requested their check only to be told the family had paid for their lunch. That kind act made their Veterans Day.

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