Rear lift panel fabrication


Advanced Member
Apr 26, 2012
Baton Rouge, LA
Hey Guys,

I began removing and fabrication a new rear lift panel today (top all broken) as per Rich's post of sometime back. Boy, is that a job or what? I lost count of how many rivets I drilled and punched out. That took the most time. Anyway, I cut and re-drilled the two panels of 1/4 birch ply, and stained to neutral. With luck I hope to re-rivet the spring hinges and apply one coat of polyurethane. I think I'll try the ratchet strap method that SOLO posted for pulling the spring hinges so the top one is at 90 degrees.

Thanks to Rich for the write up and pictures, for without them I'd have fumbled a bit. Here's his original post:


PS: Doing this job one's self saves about $300; or whatever factory panels cost.
Good Luck! I almost cut and fabricated my own panel but figured the $300 was worth it in time. Post some pictures! Make sure to support the roof in place BEFORE you take the panel out. Very important. Also measure where the original panel was side to side. Since you are re-using the old hinges/panel as a template you probably wont have to drill new holes. The link Ski posted above shows everything I did. Hit us up with questions.

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