Guys-Got question or a problem? For the last six or so years I've had air bags on the rear of my 1/2 ton 99 F150 even though I really can survive without them-the old 8 foot Granby and 7 foot bed with the tail gate down problem-! Well I've had so much problem with them-like blowing on one side (in the field etc), or even worse somehow the the thing blows up and the mounting comes off and drives into the inside of my left rear tire, wrecking the tire-three times now- luckily in town each time. Les Swabb has replaced the their airbags because they had to each time, but not the tires-kept blaming me each time and last year we compromised and they replaced the whole system, everything, well it happened again within a month, and I had the system pulled by "big O' and had some new helper heavy duty springs put in, sort of helped, but not as good as before-use my levelers allot more when i camp-sort of a reverse dump, when I drive down the street and I watch myself over bumps (tow hook) or in the back country. The local ford dealer has recommended a guy that will essentially turn by truck into a 3/4 ton by putting in a whole new set of springs and solve the problem. The cost is between $4-500.. and he has a real good rep! My truck in a 99 4x4, has low miles, in real good shape and after all these years, had my first need to fix it, a brake job-first major problem ever-question, should I spend the $, and keep on driving and make the FWC, me and my truck happy or go buy a new F250-which I probably can't afford-and would probably be my last truck-I'm 68. I know it sounds like a stupid question, most of my friends here, say spend the $ for the springs, and go that route, but they don't run around in the back country and tear up trucks, like we do! I just got my tax return, so I have the $ now, and I am leaning to buy those springs and seeing how things work for the next year, and if things go bad, cross the route to a new truck then. Sure would be nice to have a new truck, be broke and have no worries except for gas, and lot's of people would buy my old one, fast. I sure have a good truck though! Any comments, questions or suggestions
! Or even do I have a problem!