Hi all - keeping this thread alive... I ended up purchasing a black Dometic CR-1110 from West Marine here in Santa Cruz. Ordered online and free delivery to the store... $1,087 w/tax. The install was tight but relatively straightforward, but needed to remove the door and frame as described by leadsled9. I was also able to leave the stock Reflectix in the camper fridge plywood box, but removed some of the flashing that was installed at the factory to allow better air flow behind the new fridge. I installed some additional Reflectix on the back of the fridge, and used a small piece as flashing on the bottom vent, since it seemed a small amount of rain splatter was getting in there.
I was planning on a big upgrade to the solar/battery system, but I've been running the fridge on the stock 54W solar/55ah battery for a couple weeks now just fine. The new fridge is maintaining temps in the 35-40F range, with outside temps ranging from 45-75F. Summer may be another story...