

Ouch, that stings!
Nov 25, 2013
Carmel, Indiana
Friday I locked the office door for the last time. I officially signed off for ever. 40+ years in the building envelope business. Probably will stop in to help as needed and start planning our next adventure. Not sure what I want to do next, if anything that ties me down. My wife signed me up for ukulele lessons. Might come in handy around the fire or chase the bears off. Thinking about training our dog as a service dog to visit schools and retirement homes. Stay tuned. jd
Be aware that you may have less free time in retirement than before. Keeping your retirement a little quiet for a while will allow you to set your schedule your way before too many tasks get magically assigned to the fellow with nothing to do. :)

Remember that because every day is Saturday, you don't get weekends off anymore and because you're not working, no more vacation time is earned. :p

Mostly kidding but there are risks to losing control of your time.

I've heard the advice not to take on/volunteer/join anything until after being retired for a minimum of 6 months (one year better) to adjust to your new lifestyle.
Congratulations! I second the thought of taking your time to decide what to do with your time before making any commitments. First thing we did was buy the camper and truck and travel a bit. After a year or so I ended up finding a volunteer spot with a local nonprofit called Urban Boatbuilders ( that works with disadvantaged youth. I volunteer a couple days a week working with youth building boats. Been doing it for about 5 years. Very rewarding for me while leaving plenty of time for other pursuits and camping.
Congrats, I felt like I was just on vacation for the first 6 months. After 6 years I wonder how I have time to work.
Congratulations becoming retired!!!

Month shy of three years retired. Walked away and have never been board and needed to go back to work. Volunteered with the Tahoe Rim Trail years before retiring and still doing it and keeping the body in shape because of it. Really got busy buying a new to us house and doing a pretty extensive remodel. Putting so much time into it I could never been able to do it if I was still working.

Enjoy your time and you will find a balance and goals with time. You don't have to ask for permission to not be at work or worry about the office clicks and other people's personalities and problems. You can say " Hey I'm retired lets go do that!" It is even sweeter doing it during the week when most people are working. Mid week around 8 am is a great time to do grocery shopping......
Nice, John! Looks like you snagged a last bit of PTO by going to Texas right before retiring!

Looking forward to following your travels once again.

Congratulations indeed. A huge milestone that will slide away as your smiles grow. You will see the world differently and hopefully manage the free time for play as well as you did in the 9-5!..... Let the dust settle and then "jump off the dock" !
Congrats! I'm four months from being eligible to retire and five years from mandatory, so I'll be joining the ranks of the AARP crowd soon. I can't even imagine that boredom will be a problem.
Congrats longhorn1. I liked reading all the responses, I got about 5 years to go myself. The wait six months sound like sound advice!

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